Ciprian Caba
VP of Engineering at 7879cipriancaba
Requiem for APIs – The Evolution of Web Development
Finding ways to optimize your web apps is always a complex juggling exercise between user experience and developer convenience. However, for the ones brave enough to embrace the bleeding edge in web development, things are about to get simpler, but not necessarily less sophisticated.
We will revisit some patterns from the good old days of web development and see how we can blend those with the current technologies, trying to cut the middleman and optimize both the user experience and developer convenience. What is old is new again.
About Ciprian
Born and raised in Timisoara, Ciprian is a full-stack engineer focusing on maximising results with the least amount of effort. Working with early-stage startups, he literally needs to move fast and break things. He embraces change, constantly challenging the status quo and is a strong believer that adaptability is the key for success. Outside work, he's trying to maximise his potential riding his bike, cooking, playing Starcraft and travelling every time he has the chance.