Call for Papers

The Call for Papers closed on June 4th (23:59 EEST)

revo.js’ main theme in 2023 is
rethink. revisit. revolve.

That means we’re encouraging presentations that:

  • Examine the current de-facto solutions with a critical eye and analyse alternative approaches.
  • Revisit classical or old-fashioned practices that are still applicable today.
  • Scrutinise whether (and when) today’s complexity is a necessity or a commodity.


Is your talk JavaScript related? Then it’s a perfect fit!
Need a tighter description? Here are some additional hints:

  • Crazy ideas & out-of-the-box approaches;
  • Re-thinking best practices;
  • Tips and tricks for daily use;
  • Tools & solutions for a better developer experience;
  • Any other topic that makes your heart beat faster.



English. Inglese. Engelsk. Angleško. Angol.
But we’d love for you to teach us some words in your native language too.


The standard duration for all talks is 30 minutes. Since we’ll be on a tight schedule, we strongly suggest that you time your presentation accordingly in advance.

Attention to details

Make sure you care, and make sure we see you care. Content is king but formatting and correct spelling are the crown jewels that ensure a royal proposal.


Keep it short and simple. If you need more than two paragraphs to explain your talk, you’re not there yet. Narrow your description or narrow the subjects you want to cover.

Ask yourself "What should the attendees walk away with after the talk?". Uncovering the takeaways will help you discover what your talk is really about.


Give us a taste of your delivery style by sharing a recording of any other talk you gave in the past (on a conference stage, at a local meetup, or in your living room).

This is not mandatory, but it will win you extra-extra points during the selection phase.


We generally discourage "second-hand" talks as we are looking for crisp and fresh content.

However, if you have a great talk that required a lot of preparation, or is focused on a live experience, we would definitely want it on stage. We encourage you to give it a twist, adapt it for our audience and make it `feel like brand new`.

Need help?

We know that putting together a winning talk proposal can be daunting. But count on us! We’re happy to help and guide you all the way with:

  • Proposal submission;
  • Slides or live code preparation;
  • Talk delivery on stage.

We’re here to help you nail the revo.js talk!
Don’t be shy, get in touch:

(Please don’t use this email to submit your proposal).

What do we offer?

If your proposal gets picked, here’s what we’ll do:

  • Cover all your travel expenses;
  • Offer 4 nights accommodation close to the conference venue (if you’d like to stay longer, we can help you arrange things, just let us know);
  • Upgrade your room to a double one in case you want to bring someone along for support;
  • Provide you with free entrance at all the talks and related events during the conference;
  • Invite you out to a speakers’ dinner Wednesday evening, before the conference.
  • Take you on a trip outside Timisoara on Saturday, with the organizing team;

Does your company have your back?

If your employer wants to cover your travel and/or accommodation expenses, we’d be happy to list them as partners. The money saved will be invested into the general running of the conference and scholarships for attendees from underrepresented groups.

Video recordings

We would like to record all talks and publish them online for free, along with a recording of the slide deck, live demo, and any on-presenter-screen activity. We want to do this for the benefit of the larger JS community and those who can’t make it to the conference.

Since you retain full ownership of your slides and recording, we’d like to ask you to make your materials and recordings available under a Creative Commons or other open source license, in order for us to be able to share them.

If you are uncomfortable with this in any way, let us know and we will work things out. Note that we’ll disable comments on our published videos by default.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct aims to create a safe and welcoming space for our community members, and to protect every attendee, staff member and speaker from harassment.

We thus need you to read, understand, and comply with our Code of Conduct.