Tițian Cernicova-Dragomir
Freelance Software DeveloperTitianCernicova
Can I really type THAT in TypeScript!?
Have you mastered the basics of TypeScript and are now struggling to type your more complicated code? Want to learn how to remove pesky “any” types from your code base? Then this talk is for you!
We will take a journey through the world of advanced TypeScript types (unions, intersections, tuples, mapped types and conditional types) and talk about how you can put them to practical use, with real-world examples from stackoverflow.com.
About Tițian
Titian Cernicova-Dragomir is a software engineer with 15 years of experience in C# and 6 years of experience in TypeScript. He is often found on stackoverflow.com, answering TypeScript queries and contributing to the TypeScript compiler.
He loves teaching functional programming to first year university students (although he doubts the feeling is always mutual). In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wonderful wife and two daughters.